New publication: Salaries of housing corporation managers

  • January 2019

The salaries of managers of housing corporations are maximized by the Dutch "Wet Normering Topinkomens (WNT)" and the regulation "bezoldigingsmaxima topfunctionarissen toegelaten instellingen volkshuisvestiging 2014". From 2018 on, existing wages have to be decreased to the maximum of the remuneration class of the housing corporation. Currently, the height of the remuneration class is determined by a combination of number of rental units (80%) and the municipality the organisation is in (20%).

SEOR has studied the suitability of the regulation "bezoldigingsmaxima topfunctionarissen toegelaten instellingen volkshuisvestiging 2014". The results suggest that most of the respondents involved consider the regulation to be simple and workable, especially compared to the previous system. The current method is seen as a given, of which the underlying logic is acknowledged. However, according to many respondents, the method only partly addresses the specific circumstances an individual housing corporation has to deal with. 

In the short term, the results do not give rise to many changes in the scheme of the regulation. Still, they can be used to formulate some refinements. This concerns in particular the embedding of housing corporations within multiple municipalities as an addition factor.
